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National Walking Month – May 2021

6th May 2021

Now that the mornings and evenings are getting lighter for longer, May is the perfect time to start making walking a regular fixture in your routine. This gentle and low-impact exercise is ideal for anyone, no matter what your ability or age. It is also one of the most accessible ways to work out and stay healthy, whether it be a wander around your local area or a brisk march on the treadmill in your gym (for the rainy days!).

Take a look at some of the benefits of walking below.

Give your ❤️ some love.

As your heart is responsible for supplying oxygen and blood around your body, we can all agree that it is vital to keep this organ in top-notch condition! Exercise allows the heart to be more effective in delivering what your body needs to function. Maintaining this over time can help to reduce the risk of stroke, Type 2 diabetes, obesity, and osteoporosis.

A natural boost.

Due to the increased oxygen flow and blood circulation around your body when walking, this can help to give you a bit of an energy boost when you’re feeling tired or slightly lethargic. It can also increase natural hormones that help to elevate energy levels. A brisk walk can be beneficial when feeling stressed or anxious, or if you need some ‘time-out’.

Head, shoulders, knees, and toes!

Walking is a good all-rounder when it comes to workouts – you engage many muscles in your body including your calves, glutes, and abdominals. For an extra element, add a steady swing forward and backward alternating between each arm.


Walking Quick Tips

1.       Take the stairs instead of a lift/escalator.

2.       Go on a lunch break stroll.

3.       Don’t take the short-cut!

4.       Walk your pet, or ask to walk someone else’s!

5.       When walking on a treadmill, increase the incline so that it mimics walking uphill. If you are not sure how to do this, ask a staff member in the gym.


If you’re feeling up for a challenge and want to #WalkThisMay, take a look at the Try20 challenge checklist on the Living Streets website here.

Or check out more tips on their website here.